Sorry You Were Saying?

By NovaWildstar

10 Years

I can't believe it's been 10 years. The world changed that day, it's smaller now, it's more scary.

Everyone remembers where they were. I'm no exception. I was in the back of a taxi on my way to Manchester airport, my Dad and his girlfriend would be arriving shortly. I heard over the radio that a plane had crashed into one of the towers.

Because I knew that a small plane had crashed into the Empire State building once due to fog, I thought nothing of it and passed it off as a tragic accident. But waiting for Pops and Dale to arrive I heard a man behind me say something about the Pentagon being hit as well. I knew something was wrong. I tried to ring Mom but I couldn't get through. That's when I started to worry.

We listened to the news all the way back to the house. Their trip didn't hold the excitement factor that I'd hoped it would.

Ten years later the images of the second plane hitting the tower, the towers falling and that iconic picture of the man free falling head first silhouetted against a blue sky, all of them still make me cry as though my heart would break.

All those lives lost. So many lives changed forever. Not just the victims lives although theirs have been changed the most, but our lives, mine and yours.

The world has moved on again, there's a decade between us now. The scar is slowly healing but we can't forget. Every single innocent victim that day gave us something, I believe they gave us all courage and strength.

I think of them all today. The people they left behind. I mourn them all and I mourn the innocence lost that day.

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