ijil Rainbow Hawk Giver

By ijilRHG

Do Trees Make A Sound?

Okay ~ Do Trees Make a Sound when they fall in the woods if nobody is there to hear it?

Well, we did not hear it! So ~ NO, the answer is 'no'.

This is so Ironic after yesterday's post, talking about having the yard and curb front cleaned up from the Hurricane Irene debris, and then
~ B O O M ~ another one bites the dust!
Right onto our lovely blue car! It could have been anywhere in the acre wood, but nooOOO..... this 20 foot + branch finds the perfect spot right on her hood (bonnet for those of you in the UK)

This 1994 Buick has been such a great car, she escaped with just a few scratches and a new clip in the windshield; and still she survives.

Upon returning inside, having released the car from the branch, my kids asked ~
"Is that going to be your Blipfoto for today?"
... and so it is!

I don't know why but I am finding this situation hilarious! Ironic and Hilarious

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