Goodbye Neumann TLM 103

I have sold my Neumann TLM 103 on Ebay!
Being the sentimental fool that I am alongside being happy about getting a good price and de-cluttering I am nostalgic about all the songs I've written using this microphone, I have literally poured my heart into it!
Like this song and this song!!!
Anyway I now have a Neumann U87 and have had for a while so no need to be sad really ;-)
Zebedee isn't sad either, just playing along, but being a person who appreciates the beauty of objects he kept saying how cool it was and how great the wooden box is and how he wished we could keep it etc etc....
On the subject of Zebedee we went to his new school yesterday to the new families afternoon tea where we were offered scones with cream, jam and strawberries and various cakes! We met the head of the college, head of humanities, his base group tutor and lots of other people, they all seemed to know who we were and were up to speed with the fact that Z had some bullying issues last week and are all really on top of the situation! Amazing! They are also all very excited about his artwork. We feel much better about everything now and are back to feeling good about our decision!
Thanks to everyone for your concern and support, I may not have time to comment back to everyone but I do read every comment and it really means a great deal.
Z is starting Karate this afternoon!
Right, that's a 50 minute bike ride/emails responded to and blip done... now for some song writing!!!!!!!!

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