
Best viewed Exeter in brackets large

Exeter in brackets fungi - get it?... I'll get my coat...

Back to the city again, compact camera in bag, there's no way I'll be going in & out of shops with my large Canon, I get strange enough looks as it is!

This glorious beech tree is now fenced off as it's roots at the end are covered with Bracket Fungi, as beautiful as they are (which they are) it's not good for the tree, it can rot the wood, decay the branches, which cause them to snap off, it can hollow out the tree which will eventually fall in strong winds. If this was a tree of the forest, I'd not worry, it's a life & death cycle, but as it's a major tree of Exeter, just the end of the new shopping centre of Princess Haye (not so new anymore!) it's a bit of a worry... I'm not talking about the people (sorry), I'm more concerned for the tree, it's still healthy, but the council are aware of it & I fear this tree will be cut down long before it comes a problem :( There's not much you can do about this kind of fungi, although some trees do build up a chemical resistance to some kinds of fungi over time, I just don't think this tree stands a chance under elf & safety laws!

Thanks very much to all the wonderful comments etc from yesterday's Connected. A better weather wise day is predicted for tomorrow, with lesser wind & I attend to *STAY* at home tomorrow & take advantage of it with my camera! :)

No sign of Charlie today, so here's Fly Flower

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