Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb


Another lovely day and lots of blips with it hard to decide what picture to go for. In the end I decided to go for one that wasn't the best in photographic terms, but had a more unusual subject and was taken in quite tricky circumstances.

With hazy sunshine and a stiff south easterly breeze I couldn't resist the opportunity of another sail. Today it was out to the Point and then round the Crubon Bouy before heading for the coast south of Torrisdale. It was here we spied about a dozen or so seals basking on the rocks. The difficulty was how to try and get a picture of them while controlling the rudder and main sail. It wasn't the most sensible manoeuvre ever, but by holding the tiller and main sail rope in my left hand I could just manage the camera with my other hand and get a few rough pictures as we sailed by. It was just great to get so close to them and as can be seen by the look on some of their faces, they weren't too concerned about our presence, although a few did slip into the water and reappear behind the boat.

A lovely end to a couple of very fine days on the water. More water tomorrow but I fear it is in the form of rain.

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