sacrificial anodes

One day he'll realise that the reason he's allowed to open, peer inside and rummage around in the Tupperware/cereal cupboard is that it usually distracts him from the cupboard to the left of the washing machine (containing the pots and pans he's not allowed to bang together (as opposed to the IKEA junior saucepan set which he is allowed to hit)) and the cupboard under the sink to the right of the washing machine containing chain degreaser, cycle-lubricant and cleaner, soda crystals, washing powder, Swarfega, Flash and lots of other brightly-coloured fun things with pretty black Xs on orange backgrounds on their labels. There are child-prevention plastic things on all non-permitted floor-level cupboards but they will shortly be augmented by additional locking-devices for when he becomes strong enough to rip the prevention-device off or cunning enough to reach through and circumvent them. It's not as if he's ever in the kitchen when not being very closely observed but once he finds out what's in the non-permitted cupboards he'd probably just head straight for them every time. At the moment the chance to rootle through the cupboard for interesting plastic things to take through to the other room (the way he sticks his head inside and flings stuff out behind him always reminds me of Yoda rootling through Luke's space-hamper) is usually too tempting an opportunity to ignore.


The bicycling-undershorts I donated to a colleague yesterday were apparently a great success. He must have a massively uncomfortable saddle to require them so early into cycling such a short distance, though I forget how massively uncomfortable modern saddles can be and that I had to replace the one that came with my bike within 24 hours of picking it up. Fortunately my current saddle is fine over reasonable distances without a padded gusset. Soon it will be cool enough in the evenings to be able to wear padded shorts underneath my baggies without it being an instigator of copious sweating, though I might leave off them for a while yet for the commute.

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