Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Uppminster Photographic Society

The aforementioned society is playing away from home at the moment. Members are staying near Haydon Bridge and visiting the highly photogenic scenery around the area.

Tonight they hosted an evening for members of our club. About 10 of us went along. We thought we were going to show them a few of out images and chat about them. In fact they had arranged a competition with one of their judges commenting on our images. We did not have a judge handy, so we took turns to critique their images. It was a very jolly evening.

Here is the Uppminster judge looking at my image "Dignity and Beauty". This won me second prize tonight and I have a framed certificate to prove it. As you can see the judging took place in the dining room!

Otherwise, it's been a beautiful sunny and mild day.

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