Brian's Bits

By Kanyl


There was a build up on the 6th, 7th & 8th inst. Then a bit of a hiatus for Sevice, M.O.T, Insurance etc.

On Friday it, officially, became ours with the above mentioned happening in among hands.

Phone call from Steve today... He was taxing it, could he drop it off at the house?

Oh Arrrr me dearyoh! Peezling down again.

He nearly declined a run back to the garage, a whole 3/4ml and settled for splitting the difference so that he could ''Grab a quick fag on the walk back.''
(I hope I don't have to keep translating ''Fag'' for them over there).

The burning question is this...

Will ''they'' let me get away with a surface coat of ''Touch-up'' or will it be refused for the addition of ''upload images overlaid with any text, logos or other graphics''

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