world outside your window

By thewanderlust

arrival in venice

arrived in Venice this morning. mindblowingly beautiful!

we wandered through the canal lined 'streets' and took a million shots of washing lines over the water, lanterns and beautiful shuttered windows amidst colourful painted buildings and crumbling plaster. venetian laundry has never been so photographed!

have fallen in love immediately with this place. decided to blip the first photo i took as we arrived off the bus into Venice. it's just an amazing sight with daily life going on in boats as opposed to on wheels.

love the community atmosphere here too. as the sun was going down we stood for a while in a large square watching children play as their parents sat around chatting. children zooming around on rollerblades, bikes and skateboards - all of which are apparently banned after the age of 12.

a simply magical place!

(backblipping as we've not had internet access/time).

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