Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

The Help.

So when I was away on holiday, I finished re-reading the Harry Potter series *sniffles*. I had forgotten just how amazing they are! Anyways, once I'd finished them, I started onto The Help. It's a brilliant book about civil rights, set in early 1960's Mississippi. I literally can't put it down. I'm approaching the end, and can't wait to see what happens. :)

Worked today from 12.30-6.30, and got up early enough to squeeze in an ep of Prison Break before I left, about to watch another now. ;)

After work I met Becca and Caroline for dinner and a movie, we went to see Jane Eyre, we were the only ones below 40 in the cinema... Becca and Caro had read the book, so knew what to expect. My class in school however read Pride and Prejudice, while theirs read Jane Eyre, so I didn't really know what it was about, and fully expected to hate it. I was pleasantly surprised, it wasn't as bad as I imagined, although it was rather creepy in bits. The storyline was interesting, but really has the same underlying storyline as Pride and Prejudice imho... But yeah, overall the movie was pretty good.


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