Where Next?




We arrived in Tokyo today and were extreamly proud of ourselves for negociating the subway system and finding the hostel! Lunch was sushi from Narita airport, we followed instructions and caught the train from there only to find it stopped at a station 2mins walk from our hotel.. oh well! On the way to Tokyo we passed through rice fields which made being in Japan seem even more real.

This afternoon we went to a temple (its all about the temples here!) which was a short walk from here. There is a typhoon outside and we got absolutly soaked, despite the rain people didn't seem to be wearing raincoats. Umbrellas seem to be much more in fashion but when faced with a typhoon the results can be hillarious, we saw people cycling and holding umbrellas being propelled by the wind, we saw broken umbrellas inside out all over the place. To shelter from the rain we spied a karaoke bar... not our finest moment and we had no idea what we were doing. We had our own booth and lots of electronic equipment only labelled in Japanese! We found some Spingsteen!

We were totally soaked through when we got back to the hostel so dinner tonight was pot noodle style. Tomorrow we are going to head to the fish market for 5am (jet lag, what jet lag?!) and then plan to get some Sumo tickets. There is a Sumo tournament on until Saturday :-) The weather is due to be sunny and warm.

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