
By Viewpoint

Will it survive?

Here is one of the silver birch trees that grew as a weed seedling in a plant pot that I brought with me from a previous house. On Friday we will have a new shed to house the lawnmower and a question remains about whether they will be able to get it onto its new base without cutting down the two trees that stand on either side. Merv has cut back the lower branches - so we hope they can manage, but we'll know on Friday. As you can see the tree has already lost many of its leaves due to the dry summer we've had. (I guess they probably won't believe it in Scotland!)

Tai Chi was great and we had one more new person today, so our numbers are building nicely.

You know when someone says to you, do you want the good news or the bad first, well I'll start with the bad! The rest of the day has been pretty frustrating as we searched for the discs to go with Ann's computer. We can't find them anywhere and have searched high and low. I'm usually so careful with these and we found discs that belonged to computers that have long since passed away! Apparently I sent ones for an Inspiron laptop, which I can only think belonged to my expired work laptop (i.e. the one before the last one). Can't even remember ever having had them. If anyone has any suggestions for obtaining discs for a Dell Studio 17 I'd love to hear from you. I guess as a last resort I can always contact Dell.

The good part is that we've thrown out quite a bit of stuff as we searched. Still more to go though!

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