
By henryfish


It's been such beautiful weather this week, so this afternoon I went for a little wander in Chaoyang Park with my camera.

Highlight of the day, though (other than C being at home this morning because the school had no running water) was a free five-course dinner, with free-flow wine, at a local restaurant. I've been enough times to have earned enough points for an evening sampling the soon-to-come Autumn/Winter specials: mini beef tostadas, crab, lamb ragu pasta, monkfish with pumpkin puree and braised cabbage, rack of lamb with braised fennel and THREE desserts- carrot cake, cheescake, and chocolate cake. And about five glasses of wine. Bloomin' genius, although I'm not sure either of us will be saying that tomorrow morning (and I haven't added up the calories yet. Oops <snigger>. Night off counting, I think.)

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