As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

One Year

One year ago today, we lost one of the most amazing people in the whole wide world. Brittany, we miss you down here. Hope you're having a great time up in heaven.

On another note, today lasted forever. Math and English never end and orchestra was really awkward again... Chem was fun but right after that we had an AP Bio test. That was harder than expected. Right after that we had an AP Euro test. I thought that was actually pretty easy. Then gym was fun and my Italian teacher thought I was grumpy because I wasn't answering all of the questions like I usually do but I was just reading A Clash of Kings under my desk. After school I hung out with a few people in Hunter's room. Cross country practice was actually pretty easy. Then I came home, showered, ate, and went to tutor someone. Now I'm home trying to write a bio essay....

Word of the Day: Rapine - The act of plundering

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