It Started Down Under

By dirk

Street Pianos Tilburg

This morning I collected and discussed the data for my project with the police analyst at Eindhoven police headquarters. Later today I went home and to Tilburg to play on the streetpianos.

I invited some family and friends over to join me on one of the pianos. I think we made music on this particular piano for about 2 hours! I enjoyed myself, people had fun, got some compliments, applause and people stopping to listen for a while.

The highlight of this afternoon was when Astrid Kelderman and I were interviewed by the Chinese television and recorded while playing and singing a song from the musical Jekyll & Hyde that we will be playing with On Stage this season. Here one of the Chinese photographers is shooting pictures of my sisters.

This evening I went to a party with my girlfriend. We had quite some fun, chatting with some of her dance friends.

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