Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Blip meet

Look who I met today .................................... Casper & Stanley, the spaniels, from Pigeon's Blog. I've had ever such a nice play with them on the beach at Perranporth.

They were looking really smart in their bandanas. I didn't wear mine beacause I knew I'd be doing loads of swimming. We had great fun together chasing after balls. Ann & Kirstie wrote 'BLIP' in the sand and tried to get us to pose for a photo but it was a bit difficult getting us all to sit still at the same time. Perhaps Kirstie has a better blip.

I was a bit naughty at lunchtime. We went to the beach bar and I decided I'd show off. First I jumped onto the picnic table. Ann was a little bit cross with me because I know I'm not supposed to climb on furniture. Then, when Kirstie tried to give Casper & Stanley a drink I snarled at them and had a huge drink out of their bowl. I didn't really need a drink because I'd just had one but I thought I'd just try and establish that I was top dog. Then I went under the table and dug a huge hole in the sand. The sand went everywhere and I ended up very sandy. Surprisely both Casper & Stanley managed to stay relatively clean.

Kirstie & her husband Simon are lovely people. I especially liked Kirstie because she kept giving me treats. Ann says that we are soooo lucky to have made such nice friends through BLIP.

Thank you Kirstie, Simon, Stanley & Casper for such a lovely day.

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