The Angus Inn

By angus_inn

The autumn colours of Wellington's Botanical Gardens - lovely day for a family stroll.

Still recovering from the disappointment of Rangers UEFA Cup Final defeat but not sure I'll ever recover from the shame of the behaviour of some 'fans' - scum, pure and simple.....the biggest humiliation for me was people coming up to me at work and asking me if I'd seen that slideshow of rangers 'fans' fighting with police on the New Zealand Herald website....there's no escape thanks to the internet! Shockerooni...

Apologies to Manchester, their people and police an the rest of Scottish football that was embarrassed as well.

In Walter We (Still!) Trust ... RIP Tommy Burns

P.S. On a happier sporting note, the Hurricanes have made it to the Super14 rugby semi-finals despite a very narrow defeat on Friday night - semi is away to the Crusaders though - a tough one but we can do it! Go the 'Canes!!

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