A Roundabout!

Now you might be wondering why I chose a roundabout for today's blip - well, it's to remind me of what I did yesterday - confused? let me explain:

I spent the day at the Police Training Headquarters as a role player for student police officers to practice their Vulnerable Witness Interviews. On arrival I was given my brief as to the character I had to play - a female with autism who had witnessed a car being broken into. I was then interviewed for about two hours by two student officers. I don't know who was more nervous when we started, me or them! but I soon got into character but had to think fast to make up my story as we went along. The whole interview was being watched via videolink by the instructors who came in at the end to give their assessment.
So the roundabout? ?
The interview starts with 15 minutes of 'calming you down making you feel comfortable' type of chat, and before going in I had to give the instructors two topics which I could happily talk for ages (and bore the pants off the officers!) I chose photography and roundabouts, so when the students asked me if I'd been on any nice holidays I told them I go to my sister's in Brighton and she takes me out in her nice red car and shows me all the roundabouts in Brighton. I then rabbited on for at least 10 minutes describing all the roundabouts I could think of - at one stage (the instructor told me afterwards) one of the students put his head in his hands and gave a look of despair!! When at last I stopped to draw breath the second student asked me if I'd ever seen the roundabout at Swindon which is made up of 6 small roundabouts! That floored me - so I said I'd never been to Swindon! and they then managed to get back to asking about the man who broke in the car!
A very interesting experience which drew on my acting improvisation skills.
So - I give you a freshly painted mini roundabout!

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