
By dark

Oh, the irony....

The city is an endless sea of humanity, teeming with the most reprehensible d***heads imaginable.

- Me
(about 8:30 am this morning)

While I was busy mangling my finger in yesterday's adventure, some a**hole back at the loft was busy mangling the antenna (aerial) on my car, just for kicks.

I can only imagine how entertaining that must have been.

It's only the third car-damage incident in the year-and-a-half I've been living downtown - four, if you count Mr. Drivestraightintothesideofmycarandthenswearuntilhellfreezesoverthatit'snothisfault.

I guess once every six months or so is not too bad.

As for the finger, thank you all for the well-wishes - Blip is truly a much nicer place than the real world. It hurts like hell, but they tell me it'll heal up okay eventually.

It's painkillers and sleep for me now - good night to you all.

And if you see one of those antenna-stealing gnomes - run them over for me.

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