The Gazweasel Times

By gazweasel

Personal Music Player

I bet this sounded just like other people's personal (that's a joke) stereos sound like through their bleeding earphones. Today a couple of commuters almost came to blows because they were both wearing them and couldn't hear each other. It's a bit beyond me, I'm afraid.

Anyway, enough of my griping...this is the Mikiphone pocket phonograph of 1923 (as the label says). It was designed to fit in the pocket and managed to fold down to 5" in diameter and 2" thick. What they made up for in portability, they seriously lost in sound quality. The speed control of the motor was pretty basic as well.

Today, at lunchtime, I found a gallery in the Science Museum I didn't know existed! This was in it. As well as lots of other lovely household curiosities.

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