Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins

Gimmie More

Evening all,

You see,thats the trouble with us, we never quite settle for what we've got, always striving for a little bit more, a little bit better,, never content with our lot, and while this can sometimes be a laudible quality, often its just an excuse for greed and avarice to rear their heads.

Look at the weather today as an example, 2nd October, at least 20 degrees centigrade outside, lovely day, little bit of wind fluffing up the branches on the trees, gorgeous autumnal shades all around, birds singing, in all ways an idyllic Autumnal Sunday...

and yet i'm sitting here, in my shorts, faintly angry and mildly dispondent that the two day weekend heatwave hasn't materialised...

Just ungrateful i call it, and as for the cat.......


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