Back and Forth thru time

By pingufivemins


Evening all.

Did a bit of a split shift today, lots of running about from place to place.

Caught out by the lovely weather again i found myself toiling up a hill with two heavy ventilators on my back and a huge black overcoat on, whilst all around me the students of Sheffield are passing me, wearing less items of clothes than would be considered seemly in a nudist least they wear hats!

Did manage to pop in to the Pater's house to try and coax him out into the sunshine for a record 32 minutes..although he kept his overcoat on!

It must be hard when you get to that really venerable age that the heat of the sun no longer warms your bones, his house is a constant 30 degrees centigrade, central heating on all the times, and sometimes the fire as well!

I have a feeling he is part Salamander and given the choice between up and down when he finally shuffles off this mortal coil, he'll vote down just to ensure he is adequately warm throughout eternity!!!

night all

Alice in Chains

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