Blue skies

I can always count on hand watering the garden to cleanse my soul. It hasn't rained in weeks. A tiny spider has taken up residence in the pine tree; low to the ground where I can observe her perfect web.

Spider webs look so photogenic with water drops strung along the silk that I thought to gently spray the web with a misting bottle. It did look lovely but the spider got quite a bath and my concern was that I was drowning her.

When I looked at her through the macro lens, I couldn't believe my eyes. She was gathering the drops with her front legs and drinking it, then gathered more and washed her face and head. Who knew?!

It's too breezy and dark in that corner for a good shot of the web though. Since I was nice enough to bring her water, perhaps she would consider moving the web into the sunlight on the other side of the yard.

Nothing like the littlest little things to make the big things seem not so big.

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