The high road

By Travellersjoy

Mama Dog

This is mama dog, my most companionable friend, she belonged to a nieghbouring farmer, who worked for the council doing road repairs, when he went off to work, she would come to visit, spend the day with us and go when she heard his tractor retuning in the evening. This routine went on for a few years, then the farmer got a new, younger dog and mama moved in permanently, she has never returned. She must be about seventeen now but accompanies me everywhere on the farm. Today we were reclaiming a small area of land, the mist turned into heavy drizzle, we kept going and mama waited patiently, I thought she looked cute, paws over the rake.
Thank you so much for all your birthday good wishes and especially to freespiral for the gift of membership to blipfoto. I have had a lovely few days of birthday celebrations!

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