By KnittingNancy

Rascal again

Been a bit under the weather today have the dreaded summer cold so didn't go out, Rascal sat on the windowledge in the sunshine so thought Id blip her again.
Good job I didn't go out or I would have missed the all important phone call telling me im to be dismissed for something I wrote on here oh and for feigning sickness sure my doctor will be pleased to here that after she signed my sicknote twice!!!! So not only did he sack my son he has now done the double not bad really considering I have only given him loyal and dedicated service for the past 12 years not to mention the covering up I've done mainly of his 8 year affair but also of his daughters so go on the 'anonymous' person who went through my folders found this site and printed the info do the same with this and give it to your mother Im sure she will be suprised to hear what her family have been up to, she text me once and said that about my son. Well I may be penniless possibly car less and on the dole but I do have company shares though quite what they are worth Im not sure maybe a rival company would pay big bucks for them will know after I have consulted with the legal eagles.
Im not normally one to rant but I guess you can all see where the boys get it from now have a good night one and all. :) Im still smiling, maybe wont sleep feel too sick to eat but still smiling cus I have my family by my side :):)

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