Go Fly a Kite...

I noticed a strange relationship I have with kite flying tonight.

I really love flying kites and tonight it was actually a good aid to bringing Bethany out of her current and rather severe bout of 'missing mummy'. We got a first try at flying the kite we built with the remnants of a previous incarnation and it flew surprisingly well.

The only problem is that the tangle and mess that we inevitably get into whilst flying two kites with two toddlers, does not appeal to my sense of order and tidiness.

Maybe I bit off more than I could chew.


Notes on the Picture...
This is Instography perfectly streaking past my camera like a speeding bullet. The dude has professed on many an occasion of not having the speed of his peers but jeezo, he can fly. Proven more so slightly later in the journey where we tried to set off the speed camera just past the zoo and my speedo clocked somewhere between 35 and 40 mph.

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