Dick's Pics

By RichardDonkin

Julias Rose

A close friend gave us this coffee-coloured tea rose a long time ago and when it flowers it always reminds me of her. But it it doesn't usually flower as we approach mid-October. Quite a lot of the roses are flowering just now. It's warm and windy with no signs of a frost yet. Without much rain these past weeks, the lawn is dry and brown. We're having the kind of weather in October that we had in April with a washout summer in between.

I spent time on my book today, reworking stuff, then worked a little bit with the dog training. We've settled down to those cosy dark evenings so we've cracked open a boxed set of videos of the Danish made thriller, The Killing. It's much better watching it in chunks at our own leisure.

I've also started reading a new book (that's new to me), Dissolution, by C J Sansom - a historical whodunnit set in the reign of Henry VIII - and it's turning out to be a great read.

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