It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab


Today is the 200th time I have had to pose for a blip photo! I think I am getting very good at it now don't you? It has nothing to do with the piece of chicken that mum waves around above her head with one hand!!

I was VERY excited when I heard that the beach was the place for our 200th AND we got to take marma and grandad with us. I loved showing off how fast I can run after my ball and how well I pose for photos!

I want to thank EVERYBODY that stops by my journal to comment, star and heart me or even just look. I feel VERY VERY honoured. I know that there are some people out there that don't like doggie blippers and sometimes I worry, but then I read all the lovely comments I get left and all the worry goes away! I think that everyone should use blip for whatever they want. It really is a place for everybody :-) and I want to thank those "big guys" in Scotland that are in charge of everything. I hope I can visit them one day and give them a big lick. I think I would be a good help around Blip central office wouldn't I??!

We do try to take better photos. Mum at last has her "big girl" camera so I am hoping she will start capturing me doing some super cool moves soon!

We have made AMAZING new friends on blip. Especially Kirstie and Susi. I talk about them often and they know how important they have become to us. I LOVE spending time with my new blip friends and so does mum :-).

I'm sorry my photo isn't a bit more original but for the special occasion of course I had to go to the beach!

Thanks again everyone!

Big licks and love
Lily xxx

ps I think I look better in large in this pic....try it!!

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