An audit

Guess what - the weather is still grey, misty and wet. Himself's bones were aching so much he lit Reginald the woodburner to take off the chill. It's actually very mild but damp. An unexpected day off for me but too wet to do any digging so I had a very useful and constructive morning taking stock of where we have got to re cards. I got the books up to date then did an audit for re ordering and worked on a small winter selection suitable for Christmas. Then I went over the mountain for a quick rendezvous with travellersjoy, my partner in crime. She reckons we need to put together some calendars too. We have sold over 1500 cards since May and are in the black and feeling rather pleased with ourselves!! This is page one of the 'the collection'!!!

Other than that, himself has been doing the tax and was relieved to find that it all went quite smoothly. Slightly worryingly, I don't seem to be paying any tax at the moment - must look into that.

Edit: The tally marks are confusing - actually they're the most popular cards as they've had a re-print fairly recently. The most popular are on the top row :)

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