Pacific Ocean

This is for you R - get well soon :)

Very heavy overcast and slight drizzle this morning. Decided to go to the beach at 8am and give my new ND filter a whirl. Of course, no tripod :( now, grabbed a wheat bag for stability. This one has worked OK but there were a dozen or so that didn't!! In the far distant is the lighthouse at Jacks Point. I didn't linger as it was freezing. Large is much better :)

Here is another view of the lighthouse, but under different lighting.

Did some more lawns this morning, then into town to met Doug for lunch then some club stuff followed.

Now I am off to dredge out some clothing to dress myself in "Zanny White" (we have all been given a colour) Tomorrow, we are off in a bus to god knows where. A chicks party for Rach, she gets married next weekend. People who know me will know that I am a pale skin oldie, so maybe I should go as a zanny ghost - any ideas welcome.

Enjoy your weekend blippers

Waitbait patties for tea, yummo!


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