Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Don't Fence Me In

It was not a good day. At 3:30 AM Miss Annie, who sleeps on the floor on C's side of the bed had diarrhea. After we'd cleaned the carpet we had to take her out on the porch and wash her rear end. I'm sure she didn't enjoy the experience any more than we did.

By the time we got back to bed we were thoroughly chilled and had trouble getting back to sleep. When we got up at our usual time we had to repeat the above exercise.

Fortunately we had scheduled a morning appointment with the vet for Annie's routine checkup. She has to have a blood test every year to check for side effects of the medication she takes for arthritis. In addition to the usual tests, today she had a urinalysis, fecal analysis, probiotics, antibiotics, and a supply of special (expensive) food for dogs with intestinal disorders. The bill was over $300, but she's worth it.

Annie slept most of the afternoon and was feeling well enough to bark at me this evening when she felt it was way past her dinner time.

She doesn't take kindly to being confined to the kitchen unless one of us is there to keep her company. As I write this I can hear her rattling the gate. I hope she doesn't keep at it when we go to bed -- we need to catch up on our sleep.

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