Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Collieston Weather Stone

This sign and the stone hung below it hangs outside the Collieston beachfront bothy. It was dry with a partial shadow today. From that we deduced from this complexicated devicery that it was not raining and sometimes sunny. clever stone.

My sister in law phoned out of the blue and invited me and the kids on trip to Collieston, so glad she did. Weird bubblybath foam was amassing on the shore line, writhing like some doctor who monster or a longlost gigantic jason and the argonauts fleece. Perhaps it's remants of what they used to clean up the not 1 but 2 oil spills around Aberdeen of late, or perhaps that other doctor who monster, Donald Trump, has tasked his lackeys to scrub his golf dunes and hairy hillocks......

Meanwhile, Sam made me develop instant wrinkles when he said on route " wow, i just saw a 1980's vehicle from the olden days"

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