A Mini Dinosaur.

Actually, it's a Bearded Dragon, and I spotted him today, trying to get some sun.

Today has been one helluva day for weather.

Started off this morning, dark and wet on the way to work, and then we got thunder and lightening and it wasn't even 7a.m.

Eventually, it cleared up and it turned out to be a nice day.

Then on the way home, the black clouds rolled in again. My husband and I were watching the dark clouds roll in, and then it hit.

We raced around the house closing windows and doors, which we should have done before. Then we panicked, and decided to move the tables and chairs on the balcony, in case the wind blew them over the top.

I went downstairs, and realised one of the big windows in the sitting room was still open, and the rain was blowing that way.

The carpet was wet, all my books in the bookcase were wet, Christian's photos
were all wet. Anyway, I think I've dried them all off, with no damage.

But it was one hell of a storm, it was so dark we had to put the lights on. Then after about 20mins it was all over and the sun came out!

During all this, Neo hid and Sophia looked on with mild amusement.

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