"Where is he?" Underpass in Inverness at lunchtime. I'd seen a cyclist approaching, and thought I'd catch him as he came around the corner. He'd stopped for a blether. Oh well, no human interest in this (from the hip) shot. Had to straighten it a bit.

Never mind Autumn, Winter's on the way! "Snow on the Ben," is an expression that may be heard in various parts of Scotland. In Inverness the "Ben" refers to the mountain Ben Wyvis. Despite it being about twenty miles to the North-West, you can see it from the town... when it's not shrouded by clouds.

Well the first snow was up there today, and the cycle run was distinctly chilly. Very wet and windy too this morning. There was no way I was going to stop and take any photos. I was far too cold.

Managed to dry out all the gear before the return journey. I don't mind being soaked on the way home if I start off dry. But getting into soggy cycling clothes, and then going out to face the elements... that's no fun.

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