Sugar Magnolia

By cew

Time Keeps on Ticking, Ticking, Ticking

I ran into an old friend who is retiring in a few days. He's a guy with a lot of hobbies and definitely will enjoy his retirement. He's young and healthy etc..etc....

I hope I'm still here when it's my time. I have so many things I want to do and learn and have TIME to enjoy.

I don't know how people feel that have careers. I'm sure if you're doing what you always dreamed of doing then every day...or most days are satisfying and rewarding.

I feel lately like I'm working for other peoples dreams and desires. I guess I've always felt that way but lately I feel I'm running out of time. When your young you think you have all the time in the world. I realize I don't!! My hand hurts so much of the am I going to make great day....when am I going to get my mat cutter and frame cutter and frame all my magnificent paintings...oh day.....I'm running out of days and still doing the same old shit!!
I'm just a moron getting a job done and any other moron can come along and take my place. A fact that I'm reminded of in many ways on many days.

It's hard to find satisfaction in that knowledge so I pretend what I do matters.

Sometimes I get tired.....and I can't pretend anymore.

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