
By gabbahey


Ignore the ramblings that are about to follow:

I had a doctors appointment this morning, as far as I was aware it was to answer any questions I had about me starting on my new ketogenic diet in order to get me off of my epilepsy medication altogether. How wrong I was, the doctor was an uppity little madam who just wanted to ram as many different varieties and cocktails of pills down my throat.

I declined and am now waiting on an appointment with the neurologist for yet more costly scans to see if i'm suitable to try out the diet. The neurologist was the one who suggested I try the diet in the first place despite it not being common practice, the GP is someone who doesn't think it works and doesn't listen when you tell her the person she is referring you to has already said the diet was a good idea.

The diet itself is horrible and i'm sure it'll be a miserable existence for the first wee while but it means that you're not swallowing brain altering drugs every couple of hours.


i'm off to calm down,

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