Alice in Blipland

By Alicemaylara


Well following yesterday's comments I think I'm safe with this blip.

I've been suspended! Time for an emergency Pen Y Ghent blip!

I was just worried because it advertises my company? But anyway the main image you may recognise, it was my blip for the 16th Oct from the top of Beamsley. I do one about every two weeks which goes to about 200,000 people so it's quite a responsibility. When I'm about to press send I do get a little nervous that ive made a huge error. Barney has appeared in them a few times and of course he is always on the front page

Anyway enough of work I found this interesting write up on Ilkley Moor today. I love local history (Geek)

Bronze Age c2500BC - The people farmed the land. They had settlements such as the one high up on Backstone Beck (near where I live :)) where they lived in round huts in rough stone enclosures ( I wish i could do that) . They used the grit stone they found on the Moor to make records which are still there. We call them cup and ring stones. What they recorded, nobody knows.

Late 1700's - With the arrival of the water cures and the need for visitor activity in the Victorian era the aesthetic side came to the fore. Ilkley became "the Heather Spaw." People fell in love with the scenery, the splashing streams, the heather, the mysterious rocks and the pure, fresh air. They walked up to the Tarn and beyond, or were ferried on donkeys ( love that!) from the town centre to White Wells.

Early 2000's - Chavs started to appear on hot sunny days and ruined the beauty of the moor with their consent littering and yobish behaviour. Luckily much of the moor remained an undiscovered secret to Blipites and their followers.

To this day the moor remains a reason to get up in the morning for many keen walkers and doggys.

......ok so I might have made the last bit up.....

I took some promising photos of the moor this evening which one may even rival Earthdreamer (ok maybe thats pushing it) so when I get to a computer tomorrow I'll hopefully make it my blip :)

Guess what?! It's Friday tomorrow and saturday looks like a repeat of last saturdays do i do Ingleborough, Whernside or both?!

And that's today's one through the looking glass

PS glad gaddafi ducks dead!

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