Travels Through A Lens

By SnapshotSam


Carnation, aka Dianthus Caryophyllus. Dianthus roughly translates to 'flower of love' or 'flower of the gods' White carnations are associated with purity and luck.

These are from a huge bouquet of white flowers of different types from my step-mum that I had to split into 2 large vases. I always have flowers in the house, as they brighten it up.

First real frost this morning, but temperatures rising again.

It was such a clear sky last night with lots of stars. There is a great app that if you point it at the sky it shows you the constellations and planets in it's view. Saw Jupiter and Uranus. Isn't technology amazing? My friend can name them without the app, I'm not that good.

Been at home today nursing a cold and feeling rubbish :(

Hope all is well with you. I'm now off to get another cold/flu powder drink.

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