Let There Be Light

By solli


I found a pathway to a wooded area and was crouched on the ground shooting pictures of tiny mushrooms on a fallen log when an extremely large pit pull bounded up and began to nudge against me as it frolicked right in my little shoot area. Another Trio, I thought.

I heard a voice calling "Angel, Angel, come on Angel, I'm sorry she's disturbing you."

Truth be told - I'm not one to ever be disturbed by an angel, but I stood up to make my acquaintance with the owner of the voice, Freddy, and the second dog he was walking. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but Freddy reminded me of Adam Sandler and my brother rolled into one.

Buddy on the other hand, is an eleven year old spaniel with the sweetest temperment; nose to the wind and the dirt, a real good working cocker. He had found a spot in the rich black earth and I surmised he was snuffling out more mushrooms and I felt akin to him. Freddy thought it was deer dung he was after. Regardless, it was a real pleasure to stand in the woods and shoot the breeze with these three gentle souls.

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