today I ...

By BarbiesWorld

...tried to recharge:

a bit the batteries...

The fourth night in a row of not getting to sleep before 4am (or 6am) is taking its toll. So work felt way too long today, left a tad earlier to get at least a couple of golden rays and a nice cuppa with Raesident for recharging, tried not to moan too much about leaving my camera in the shop for cleaning (the man was very nice but concerning the aperture and overexposure problems suddenly he had a certain semblance of a clerk of a funeral parlour), followed by hospital visits and late dinner.
So after 22:30 again for beginning the relaxing time. This weeks mantra: I'll have to work on my 'do more of nothing' schedule!

Thank you all really much for stopping by, these days I a bit shattered, I'll have a closer look at your journals soon...

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