How i see life

By katieforeman

My Lil Man has arrived

Thursday I went to hospital for a scan and to see the constant as they are keeping an extra eye on the pregnacy.

After she did the examination she told us i have to come back tomorrow and get induced because it looks like to their charts the baby hasn't grown.

I went to the Hospital and they sent me home as the Delivery suite was full. They told me to phone the hospital at 8.30am to be induced then.

BUT today at 6.30 am my waters broke and contractions started, I waited for my parents to come at 8.30 to help my partner get Skye ready as they were having her for the day and Chris my Partner will come later to the hospital.

Time went passed and the contractions stopped at 11.30 so they had to put me on the drip to get things moving again. I went to sleep, they checked me again and my waters had got stuck so they had to brake it. Then every thing happened so fast.

At 5.30 pm i was in full labour and 6cm by 6.20pm and my partner decided to go for a fag, A nurse had to run down stairs to get him as i was ready to push.

So from 6cm to ready to push was only 9 minutes i cant believe how quick it was all over and i only used gas and air. My partner said i used a few F words but thats expected hay girls!!!!

Name: Auron Parfrement Weight: 6 LBS 2 oz DOB: 15/10/11

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