
By PrimeMart

Emulation #5 Secret Garden

Freespiral likes a bit of sky and weather, and living in South West Ireland she does get to see a fair bit of it.

I could not get a rocky coastal foreground, or some rugged hills as this was taken from my suburban back garden. Running Backwards once suggested to me (tongue in cheeck) that people who live in areas of dramatic beauty should have a 'blip penalty!' If this was the case Mrs Freespiral would have one applied - I do thank her for showing me a part of Ireland I have never had the good fortune to visit.

My back is easier today, walking/hobbling the dogs sunday afternoon loosened it up a bit, and I will continue to swallow mother-in-laws drugs.

To cheer me up, I have ordered a new PC to replace mine which gave up 18 months ago (thank goodness for a works laptop.) They say it will arrive today - not bad going as it was only ordered yesterday lunchtime.

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