The Edge of the Wold

By gladders


It was a cloudy, windy day today, but it started with blood-red clouds as the sun rose. As I drove to work I had to stop to look at the sky above the drumlin being illuminated from below. So yes, this tree has been seen before, but the sky and lighting are different every time. What's more, I managed to include in the shot the giant porcupine that is currently loose in Cumbria.

Otherwise, photo opportunites were limited, as we headed off to a meeting outside Preston this afternoon, and didn't escape until the light was failing.

I shall be absent tomorrow night, back Wednesday when I shall fill in the blank. I can't afford to miss a blip now, as like other blippers who are on a 365 calendar year project, I have nearly reached 300 for the year. This business is peculiarly compulsive, I was always a well-intended but failed diary keeper - one year I managed to keep going through till May, but that was the best I did. Yet somehow, with this blip project I daren't miss a day in 2011 (I did miss some after I started last year, and bitterly regret it now).

Last night: no, it wasn't Spooks or Downton. Wifie made the supreme sacrifice of giving up the latter in order to watch a documentary about the Lake District National Park.

A year ago: Wifie atop Gummers How, it was a short but special walk.

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