My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Forum in Pompeii

The stunning view across the bay (see yesterday which somehow ended up blipped on tomorrow's date) didn't last - the rain came and Vesuvius has hidden in the clouds all day.

The monsoon weather didn't dampen our spirits, we waterproofed ourselves to the max, got on the train and spent a day in the unlucky Roman city of Pompeii. This photo is in the forum - loads of columns and you might be able to make out a very faint volcano looming in the background.

I've been here before, N hasn't, but I saw so much more this time as not on a coach tour and in a rush. We took our time, got a bit wet, but had a great day.

Don't know how these two blips got twisted round the wrong way - perhaps something to do with me trying to work out how to use the iPhone app from abroad.

With that in mind, hope my link worked above!

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