That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Just Good Friends

I had a few options for today's blip so have put some links to more on Flickr.

After we'd deposited Mr Flum's car for repair at Bilston we went for a chilly walk from Loanhead, across the Bilston viaduct, along the old railway line when we a met a few sheep.

We then took the path down the glen, passing these cows. In a field full of Friesians (?) was this Hereford (?) bull and these two stood head-to-head as if in deep discussion. They looked up at us as we approached then lowered their heads and continued to stand brow-to-brow as we passed. (What happened next I have no idea).

Further on I watched a magpie making several attempts to open an acorn. Further on I admired a pine on top of a spoil heap above the birches.

On through Peebles we stopped briefly by a bridge over the Tweed, by the confluence with Manor Water, saw a salmon leap up and a couple of big splashes, missing those fish. Along the road to turn round we came across the Old Manor Brig with its Heath-Robinson repairs. I hope this is temporary and plans are in progress for a full rebuild, it deserves it.

And so to Dawyck Botanic Garden to see the Autumn colours, where the Maples were at their glorious best. The Beeches were colouring up nicely.

Then it was back on the Meldons road to collect Mr Flum's car and home. I do like the opportunities retirement brings - it's so nice to drop everything on a nice day and just take off.

I'd like to thank all the blippers who looked at and commented on my 300th blip yesterday. I had intended to cover the scissors with a suitable piece of fabric but hadn't even found one before I ran out of time before leaving for the U3A walk. Oh well, better luck next time.

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