'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Out of the fog came...

Thought this was an appropriate photo for the Halloween weekend. The fog has not lifted all day at home, which has meant that I have got lots of school work done! Back to school tomorrow with a particularly hectic half term ahead with the run up to Christmas and all the various events. It is never a dull day, that's for sure!

Three beautiful things:
1. A 'thank you' text this morning from a friend, for driving last night. We had a lovely evening, great food and a super atmosphere.

A simple thank you has so much impact and sometimes is forgotten in this day of instantness.

2. A picture sent of my two gorgeous nieces in their Halloween costumes, that is why I love modern technology - it is so much easier to keep up with the daily lives of family and friends when you do not live near each other. The instant sharing of photos is my life saver, once a year I print out the year in photos and create a photo board to put up in the house! Will run out of room soon - perhaps that's an excuse to eventually move to a bigger house!

3. The smell of roasting chicken! I love Sunday roast dinners and even though it is just me and the animals, I still cook one each week. It's my way of saying to myself that I am worth it! Plus it provides my school dinners for half of the week too!

One thing to be grateful for:
I have a career that gives me so much pleasure.

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