Toothy Pumpkin

This was SUPPOSED to be a lazy Sunday night blip. Funny how it never works out that way. I have just spent 30 mins fiddling with various dodgy pics of a pumpkin to come to the conclusion you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear :)

Lazy day for us. We had a bit of a cooking frenzy - I made carrot and corainder soup and spicey pumpkin soup (of course) and some home made bread. Mr Lif made a spotted dick (oo err mrs) and a treacle tart. All very yummy. Then a lazy late afternoon with the papers before a roast dinner and Strictly. Glad to see the old woman has gone :)

When Jake came back from footy and saw the pumkin Mike had carved he thought it was him. He seems to think the teeth are similar!!

Have a great Sunday evening.

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