
By lifeandstuff


Museum in chambers street. Again. What to do in a rainy day?

I woke up bleary eyed after the g and ts, sorry s's last night. The extra hour did me nae good. Nae good at all. So, after doing the wee one up all witch-like, took her to nursery, and thankfully there were other little dressed up people too. Except her two boyfriends. Yes, two. She is involved in a bit of a love triangle. Craig, the moody quiet one with the blue eyes, and Leo, the rugged angry (but cute) bad boy. Leo can be a bit stuck for words, (the wee one thinks he doesn't like her, but I know four year olds, I was one. it's the old "i don't know what to say go her, so I will be horrible" syndrome.) So, as far as I can see, the only words young Leo says are "you are a poo", and "your not craig's best friend, I am" and "you're not four" which she is, of course. It's all very deep, and meaningful. I did catch Leo staring, adoringly across the dinner table at her last week, jam all over his chin.

Craig, on the other hand, does the mean and moody "I'm not talking to you" thang. But she still follows him everywhere he goes. And told me the other day that she said "you are my best friend" and kissed him on the cheek. Bless. I think. So. It's all a bit of a tangled mess, for the wee one. Every day an emotional rollercoaster of "Leo said I'm a poo, and Craig said he wasn't my best friend, then he said he was." the drama is unbearable. I caught a little smile from Leo when she waved goodbye at him. Very cute.

But, when I went to pick her up she was making a card for craig, who actually did treasure it. I was watching. Bless um.

So after all that, we decided to go to the museum. And for some food. Great fun. Though, when I asked her if she had a good day, she quite plainly just said "no." she's all about the feelings that kid.

Hope you had a lovely day. :-)

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