An appeal on behalf of Blue Eyes

Poor Old Blue Eyes. Day after day, he languishes behind the bars of his squalid Leith prison, for no other crime than he's a Posh Cat.

Out on Portland Street, he'd never survive. Local kids would pull his tail and call him harsh names, devil dogs would chase him and even other cats would shun and abuse him. Yes, the sad fact is that he's in prison for his own safety.

But with your help, we can make a difference to Blue Eyes's sad life. Just £100 will buy him a gold-plated drinking bowl. £500 could pay for a cashmere cat-bed. And a donation of £1,000 would allow him to enjoy the gem-encrusted collar he deserves.

Please give £2 a month, or whatever you can afford, to Imprisoned Posh Cats Appeal, FREEPOST, Edinburgh. Remember to make any cheques payable to "Red".

I really preferred this shot, but I couldn't really tell you why.

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