A Dog's Dinner

By G

The Future's Bright - The Future's Golden

By way of an experiment I poured 3 litres of cooking oil in the Jeep. So far so good.

Yeah I know it's illegal but it was only a test. New cooking oil is now around 30 - 40 percent cheaper than mineral oil, but that's not the big idea.

What I'm thinking, is getting a system to clean up used oil and re-use it for fuel. If you get the oil from free from a friendly restaurant the price comes in at around 30 pence (60 cents US) per litre and you don't pay any tax on the first 2500 litres or 35 tank fulls.

Cost of fuel - £750
Cost of kit - £1000

If I had to buy the fuel at the pumps locally the cost would be around £3375.00

Do the maths.

After 2500 litres you pay duty of 60p per litre making the total cost about 90p. So even with paying the duty you save about 45%.

I'll keep you posted.

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